#Nagios check_icmp Plugin

    check_icmp v2.4.10 (nagios-plugins 2.4.10)
    Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Nagios Plugin Development Team

     check_icmp [options] [-H] host1 host2 hostN

     -h, --help
        Print detailed help screen
     -V, --version
        Print version information
        Read options from an ini file. See
        for usage and examples.
        warning threshold (currently 200.000ms,40%)
        critical threshold (currently 500.000ms,80%)
        RTA, round trip average,  mode  warning,critical, ex. 100ms,200ms unit in ms
        packet loss mode, ex. 40%,50% , unit in %
        jitter mode  warning,critical, ex. 40.000ms,50.000ms , unit in ms 
        MOS mode, between 0 and 4.4  warning,critical, ex. 3.5,3.0
        score  mode, max value 100  warning,critical, ex. 80,70 
        detect out of order ICMP packts 
        target address(es) are IPv4 and packets are ICMPv4
        target address(es) are IPv6 and packets are ICMPv6
        specify a target
        specify a source IP address or device name
        number of packets to send (currently 5)
        number of packets to send (currently 5)
        max packet interval (currently 80.000ms)
        max target interval (currently 0.000ms)
        number of alive hosts required for success
        TTL on outgoing packets (currently 0)
        timeout value (seconds, currently  10)
        Number of icmp data bytes to send
        Packet size will be data bytes + icmp header (currently 68 + 8)
        separator for perfdata instance
        number of instances to output perfdata for

     If not mode R,P,J,M,S or O is informed, default icmp behavior, RTA and packet loss

     The -H switch is optional. Naming a host (or several) to check is not.

     When defining multiple addresses they must be provided as the last argument.

     Threshold format for -w and -c is 200.25,60% for 200.25 msec RTA and 60%
     packet loss.  The default values should work well for most users.
     You can specify different RTA factors using the standardized abbreviations
     us (microseconds), ms (milliseconds, default) or just plain s for seconds.

     The -v switch can be specified several times for increased verbosity.

    Send email to help@nagios-plugins.org if you have questions regarding use
    of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements, send email to